What a great story about the part fear plays while deep canvassing! Very relatable for me, especially the introversion and empathizing with the person behind their own door minding their own business and being interrupted by me. Yet we canvass to preserve the rights and life we love and the people who we love. And the joy occasionally found in connecting with the person is a bonus. Even on canvass days without that bonus it's totally worth the fear.

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Hi Dave: Love your Substacks on canvassing. I'm wondering if you are available to speak on Zoom to a large group of activists about canvassing and deep canvassing. I sent you a message on LinkedIn. You can also DM me on Twitter/X where I am @elvinben. Thanks, Ellen Bender, Leadership Team, Markers For Democracy https://markersfordemocracy.org/

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Hey Ellen, thanks for the kind words and the offer. At this point, with only 50+ days left before the election, I have no extra bandwidth except to do a good job here in Philly. So to my regret I have to decline; but if you're open to pulling something together after 11/5 I'd be glad to find time for you and the activists you know.

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Thanks for the reply and for all your work on canvassing. I'd love to take you up on your offer to speak to our groups after November 5th. I will be in touch.

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